We enjoy RV rallies. Its a great chance to meet new people for adults and kids and we often alter our travel schedule to go to rallies with people we like to hang out with.

Look Dad! My head is in a bucket!
The Xscapers market themselves as the ‘new generation of Rv-ers’. https://www.xscapers.com/xscapers-community/convergences/ (Click on the link and see if you can spot Eloise and Eliza in the group photo!)
Their meet ups or rallies are called ‘convergences’. We’ve met up with them on several occasions in the past and enjoyed our time meeting other young working people from all backgrounds. The Xscapers had 3 events planned this past winter and went to all 3!
Event #1: The Annual Bash–The annual bash was again in Quartzsite AZ this year. We arrived 2 days late due to the full-time family rally we were attending just prior to this one. Arriving ‘late’ is no big deal as this rally was boondocking/dry camping on BLM land in a free-for-all style. We enjoyed catching up with some old friends and hosted the kids over for a movie and popcorn night. We played at the local playground and enjoyed the evening campfires.
Event #2: The American Girl Mine Convergence–This was another week long event down the road near Yuma, AZ. Again there were several kids who attended and Eloise had a blast playing with them. The format was the same: we went on a group hike, attended informational lectures, Kevin went on a group mountain bike ride, campfires, group games, and had fun sharing our tales from the road.

Look closely to see all the campers behind us!
Event #3: San Felipe Convergence–This event we had been looking forward to for a while. It was a rally to Mexico and its didn’t disappoint. The rally was caravaning (driving all together) across the border and down to San Felipe. We met at a mall parking lot the morning of and were assigned a spot to line up to drive. We didn’t have any directions but the plan was to ‘follow the leader’ which seemed reasonable at the time. Once we crossed the border the Mexican tourist bureau from San Felipe had arranged for a police escort for our group through Mexicali. How exciting! We were all ready to go and didn’t even thinking about it at the time. Turns out that was a mistake. There were stop lights along our route and guess who hit the light first: us. We stopped at the light and with a quarter of the group ahead of us and three-quarters behind us we were lost. We could no longer visualize the person in front of us. We had no idea what exit they took. We had no idea which border crossing in Mexicali (there were 2) that the Mexican police escort was meeting us at. Shoot. We took a wrong exit. (Thanks Google) We had to pull at U-turn leading 20+ Rvs behind us who were maximally confused, had no idea we were going the wrong direction, and wondering why we were turning around. (Sorry guys). Anyway, we finally met up the the main group and the police escort through Mexicali was amazing VIP treatment. All intersections were blocked. We stopped for no traffic lights. We flew through the city and made it down to San Felipe in record time. We squeezed our RV into this tiny spot at Victor’s RV Park and were glad to finally be there. We had been to San Felipe the year before (at a different campground) and enjoyed our time there so we knew the loved the area. This RV park was within walking distance to downtown San Felipe which was nice. We enjoyed the food, the girls loved playing on the beach every day, twice a day. We took our kayak out on the sea of Cortez and sipped margaritas around a beach campfire. We visited the valley of the Giant Cactus. Kevin and another Xscaper treated us to a fireworks show and the live music was a nice touch one night. Kevin had a great time 4 wheeling. We had a great time soaking up the sun with our Xscaper friends!